Personal lexicon definition
Personal lexicon definition

personal lexicon definition

‘For example, she was instrumental in creating and validating a standardized descriptive language - flavor lexicons - for cheddar cheese flavor.’.‘The terms represent both old and new in the modern lexicon of Cockney rhyming slang.’.‘Critically, Morton and Patterson assumed distinct orthographic and phonological lexicons that contain no conceptual knowledge.’.‘William Gibson couldn't have guessed how the word he invented would breed and infect the lexicon.’.

personal lexicon definition

  • ‘Respondents in both groups typically viewed their personal lexicon as containing less than 40,000 words, and the size of their active vocabulary as no more than 20,000 words.’.
  • ‘These iconographies dictate the semantics of his copper extracts and moderate to become the lexicon of his visual language.’.
  • ‘His living lexicon of the English language, coupled with his incredible intellect, made life electric for those around him.’.
  • ‘About 135 km into the day, I learnt another valuable definition in the lexicon of cycling language.’.
  • ‘Morgan argues that forcing organization theory into lexicons, literal language and precise formulations is a retrograde step.’.
  • ‘I'm learning a whole new vocabulary, a secret lexicon known only to amputees and prosthetists.’.
  • ‘We conclude that sophisticated numerical competence can be present in the absence of a well-developed lexicon of number words.’.
  • ‘It seems from the neologistic lexicon that most branches of medicine can now have a telecoms component, from teleradiology and telepathology to telenursing and telepsychiatry.’.
  • ‘These approaches have quite different origins in artificial intelligence and linguistics, and involve corpus input, lexicons and knowledge bases in quite different ways.’.

  • Personal lexicon definition